Prior to my depature from the military in 1983,I was periodically ill. Questionable concerning what was going on with my body I really had no explanation. Years of medication due to severe pain was a part of my diet.
The doctors could not pin point the illness. I knew that what I was experiencing was not in my head (my own imaginatio).
Having a personal relationship with My Heavenly Father was my sustaining source and mind regulator. I could only put my trust in God for this to come to an end. In 1994, A military doctor who showed genuine concern was used by God to diagnose the ailment that tormented me for many years. The result was receiving the appropiate medical care and finally on the road to recovery.
I wan't to encourage those of who are reading this to trust in God for He really is for you and not against. Don't try him as one who is religious. Only TRUST God. This is accomplished through relationship with Him. No matter how long you have suffered a thing are endured a situation God is faithful to bring you through. I KNOW!