Do you ever need a little military life pick-me-up?
Maybe you’re glued to the news about the Homeland Security budget negotiations or you’re frustrated with the proposals to cut military benefits. Your husband’s homecoming is delayed. Again. Your hairdresser is PCSing across country. Your friend asks how your children are handling the deployment. When you tell her it’s a struggle, she suggests your husband “leave the service so you don’t have to deal with that anymore.”
Despite these real-life struggles, there are many moments to cherish being married to the military. Despite what you see on the national news, there are many happy military couples. Think of that retired service member and his wife who celebrated 40 years and 25 moves. They know their love is rock solid. Think of those newbie spouses who promise to love, honor and cherish and then say goodbye as their husband goes to Korea for a year unaccompanied. Every day apart is building that rock solid marriage. And for everyone in-between, they are using the tools of date nights and frequent communication to keep their spark alive.
Here are some of my favorite images and quotes that illustrate the love between a service member and their supportive spouse. Let it be your military life pick-me-up today, tomorrow or any day that you need it.

Photo Credit: Kelly Schwark

Photo Credit: The Professional Army Wife
“Why do I do it? Because nights alone aren’t permanent. Because missing him reminds me that I’m lucky to have someone to miss. Because I am not afraid to make sacrifices for true love.”

Photo Credit: Sarah Elle Photography
“It doesn’t get any easier…You just get stronger.”
“I started missing you the moment you said goodbye.”
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

Photo Credit: Powell Woulfe Photography
“Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.”
“I didn’t choose to fall in love with someone in the military. But I choose to love him daily.”

Photo Credit: Photo Art by Lu
“Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing.”
“Tears last for a moment, but memories are forever.”
“You want to know the best thing about a long-distance relationship? Every kiss is like the first.”

Photo Credit: Pictured Moments by April
You can’t have homecoming photos without those military brats. Little ones screaming, running and hugging their deployed parent always brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my face.

Photo Credit: Soldier’s Wife, Crazy Life

Photo Credit: Soldier’s Wife, Crazy Life