In 2021, a bipartisan agreement listed the plan to rename bases across the military that were named after Confederate Generals, and a commission was formed. The 2021 National Defense Authorization Act outlined the commission’s goal to find new names for 10 Army bases. The list has now expanded in scope dramatically to potentially renaming 750 assets from street names to Naval vessels for Army and Navy assets around the world.
The Naming Commission is made up of eight individuals:
- Admiral Michelle Howard, USN, Retired
- Brigadier General Ty Seidule, USA, Retired
- Lt. General Thomas Bostick, USA, Retired
- Mr. Jerry Buchannan
- General Robert Neller, USMC, Retired
- Mr. Lawerence Romo
- Dr. Kori Schake
- U.S. Representative Austin Scott, Representative for Georgia
For instance, U.S. Army base Fort Gordon is being considered for name change in addition to their conference and catering center, bowling center, housing center and various signs, unit level signage and monuments within the cemetery on the installation. Fort Stewart also in Georgia has street names in reference to General Gordon, a general within the Confederate Army.
Beyond Army bases, the crest of the USS Shiloh and the USS Chancellorsville stationed out of Yokosuka are being assessed to rename as these vessels are named after Civil War battles. Both Maury Hall and Buchanan House at the U.S. Naval Academy are also being considered for renaming. Maury Hall is named after Commander Matthew Maury and Admiral Franklin Buchanan were in the Confederate Navy.
The Commission has been directed to provider their final report to Congress no later than October 1, 2022. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that there is an expectation that new names for current bases will be announced in 2023.
Read the entire list of 750 items here which includes the historical reference as to why the name is being considered for name change. Check out more about the Congressional Commission at their website here.
The Soviets were good at this. Nazi Germany was good at this. Let’s rewrite history to suit the thinking de jour.
Rewriting and trying to ignore our history is a terrible mistake. Regardless of which side you were on, our ancestors that fought in the civil war were patriots fighting for their beliefs, homes, and families. They deserve to be remembered and honored for their sacrifice. I personally am appalled by this effort. Learn from history, don’t try to sweep it under the rug.
Incredibly smart comment. Let Politically Correct continue be an Oxymoron with emphasis on moron.
leave the darn names alone, they are US history
Again, people are trying to rewrite the history of our country. Yes mistakes have been made, but we can learn from them. Study them, learn about the cause and effect they have had in our history as a nation. If we sweep those things in our country’s history under the carpet we are failing to educate our current and future citizens how our country has become the great nation it is. This attempt to rename bases, streets, ships, schools, etc is just another policial venue to please a few, and a complete was of taxpayer money. It’s not broke, don’t try to fix it just to please a few
Absolute nonsense and a complete waste of time/tax dollars.
The South lost the war and now they want to change all these names because they fought for the South. This is part of history and these were honorable men. Think of the cost to change all these names, the signs, etc. Leave it alone, I served on many of these Army posts and am proud of it. LEAVE HISTORY ALONE!!
I am so against this ! You cannot change history, but you are supposed to LEARN from it ! This is a slap in the face to all those who served their country years ago…to include the Civil War.
leave things alone its history
Decades ago, Congress declared that ALL military personnel, from BOTH sides of the conflict, were US Veterans. Not just those who fought on the winning side, but ALL were US Veterans. So now as a Country who honors its veterans we pick and choose which ones we honor depending on uniform. Maybe next year we decide that those who wore the Army uniform shouldn’t be honored, or maybe Navy, maybe Coast Guard. It’s our collective history, how about we remember it and honor them all.
How about those of us whose families fought on both sides? My dad has ancestors who were POWs on both sides. The war did not start with the slavery issue. It started with states right. Lincoln brought slavery to the forefront to win the election. Even now the truth is being hidden without truth we cannot avoid prior mistakes made. Quit changing our history.
These veterans were listed as United States Veterans in 1958. Sanitizing history and demonizing people who honorably served is purely following the Communist handbook. Keep up the good work of destroying our country.
This is utter BS. Changing names DOESN’T change history. Not TEACHING the lessons behind the names does a serious disservice to future generations who will be doomed to repeat what they haven’t been taught. This reeks of communism and tyranny. It’s also a completely obscene waste of money. OUR country was shaped by these people who fought to protect what they believed was right. Obliterating their names does NOT change that, it just keeps our future citizens from KNOWING it.
You are wrong, wrong, wrong
EXCUSE me??? “Wrong””””?????? EVERY response here has been EXACTLY what I said, but *I* am wrong?? You must be wanting to ERASE history.
These names that are being considered for change are places and people in our history and the people are veterans as identified by Congress. Learn from our history and celebrate the veterans for who they were, not on which side they fought on. Does this mean we are going to change the names of anyone person in our history whom owned slaves. This is in fact a list of every US President whom owned slaves.
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James Polk
Zachery Taylor
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
If we are going down this rabbit hole she should be inclusive to every person, place, or thing that has a reference to slavery and enslavement of people. This whole issue is a bunch of crap!!!
The idiots in DC !! Raising taxes and spending it on useless crap!!! I would like to know how many billions this will cost!!!!idiots!I say again, idiots!!!!!
I concur with all comments listed above. What stupid ideas for changes in history will surface?
This is totally unnecessary and extremely costly!!!
This is RIDICULOUS!!! Why is our US Military getting on the “WOKE” bandwagon with the left wing!
It’s a shame that high ranking retired or not will let a few who probably have never served , lead them in trying to destroy our wonderful country!
Leave it alone. Enough 0f this Woke crap.
Like others commenting, sick to death on this WOKE BS. History is to be studies and learned from not changed. Regardless of the side chosen these were men fighting for what they considered home. In that day home was Virginia or Georga first America second. Our national identity was not yet first in the minds of most Americans. Gen Lee was offered command of union forces and turned it down because he could not take up arms against his home, Virginia.