As military families, we have a love-hate relationship with Tricare. Every military family has an opinion and the topic comes up quite easily in group settings. Prepare for the onslaught of Tricare talk at your next gathering as the program may completely change as early as 2017.
The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission recently released its 302-page final report that outlines recommendations to “modernize the Uniformed Services’ compensation and retirement system.” This report includes a complete overhaul of the Tricare program.
Here are the ins and outs of the proposed changes to Tricare.
Currently Tricare offers health care programs, such as Tricare Prime and Tricare Standard. You choose a program and are locked into its rules.
The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission has decided, based on surveys and town hall meetings, that military families would like more options and to be able to have more say in their medical treatment. The commission’s proposal therefore would completely do away with every Tricare plan except Tricare for Life. Tricare for Life would remain exactly the same.
A new program, Tricare Choice, would replace the current system. According to the report, Tricare Choice would
increase access, choice and value of health care for active duty family members, reserve component members and retirees by allowing beneficiaries to choose from a selection of commercial insurance plans offered through a Department of Defense health benefit program.
This being said, the proposed privatized program would allow families to choose a health care plan from a list similar to that of federal employees. The level of care and costs associated with that would be determined by the plan chosen. Options would include:
- traditional fee-for-service plans
- those offered by health maintenance organizations
- preferred provider network options from some of the biggest names in the industry, including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Kaiser Foundation and more.
There would be new benefits such as chiropractic care, fertility treatments and acupuncture that are not covered under the current system; of course each would come at a cost.
The Tricare Young Adult program would be cut and adult dependent children under the age of 26 would be covered under their parent’s Tricare Choice plan no matter their circumstances. Unlike the current program, this would allow these dependents to stay in the program even if they are “married, not living with their parents, attending school, financially independent or eligible to enroll in their own employer’s health care plan.”
Related: Commission Recommends Combining Commissaries, Exchanges
Tricare dental plans would remain the same with a few Tricare Choice options including partial dental care coverage.
What does the Tricare Choice proposal mean to you?
For active duty members, everything remains the same. Active duty and reserve family members as well as retirees would choose a plan during annual open enrollment and be able to pick the doctors they prefer including military treatment facilities if the plan allowed it. They would pay 5 percent of premiums initially and it would increase each year until it topped out at 20 percent of costs or until they become eligible for Medicare or Tricare for Life. Co-payments would be made, even when visiting a military treatment facility. They would also pay an annual enrollment fee. The report estimates that “retirees with families would see their average total out-of-pocket costs increase from about $2,000 a year to $3,500.”
How will these new costs be covered?
The commission recommended that a basic allowance for health care, BAHC, be created to completely cover premiums, cost-shares and co-payments. The money would be directly paid to the insurance company in part and the rest would go straight to the service member. If a plan is chosen that costs less than the BAHC, the family could actually make money.
The government, of course, could potentially save money as well. The Defense Department currently has a $49 billion annual health budget. The MCRMC report estimates that this new plan would cut personnel spending for the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs by $12 billion a year.
The report is now headed to Congress where they will decide the future of Tricare. There are 9.2 million military beneficiaries who will be waiting to hear the outcome.
We should not be paying for Tricare today and you are talking about, our payments going up under a new
plan. The people that complain about Tricare, give them the new plan and charge them plenty of money.
Where is the free medical , we were promised as a recruiting tool for a military career? GO ARMY
Agree with Larry and others… Also, understand that supposedly all folks involved will be reimbursed the cost via the BAHC, but we all KNOW how that will in the end work out or pan out in time…. just as it is today NOT free and cost you more money as time rolls on. So bottom line is; this is NOT a good idea and I do NOT recommend anyone agreeing to it because it only will cost you more money in the end! Period!
I agree! When my husband was drafted and subsequently re-enlisted over 20 years, he was promised FREE medical for life. What has happened to those promises?
We should not be paying for our health insurance. If you want to change the program start with the new recruits and leave the veterans alone.
Changes may be necessary; however, you need to grandfather all people that currently serve and retirees. Any new “plan” would only apply to people currently joining the service. New people who need to understand what they are signing up for. If they join a service then they know exactly what is available to them. Once they sign up then that plan would remain with them while in service and if retired would remain until death.
When I retired, I signed up for Tricare Prime and knew exactly what I was getting. Cost of living increases were acceptable but not big changes in my plan. These proposed changes make my costs go up and that was not explained to me when I retired. I had no plan in place for such increases. I did plan for cost of living increases although they were not in place for nearly 10 years.
Not sure who they had town hall meetings with and what type of questions were asked but I can assure you if you ask each veteran the answer will mostly be the same….we do not want these changes!
Mr. Daniel Toma adequately says what I came to this comment section to say. I am a spouse of retiree, and I do not want these changes.
Both my husband and I are Veterans(Navy and Army).. Leave the plans as is and change for the new soldiers and their families. I was not @ the town meeting and was there a survey or proxy vote for me and my husband to voice our conserns?
I totally agree to wheat Mr Toma stated…We agreed to the cost of living increases….not a complete over haul of something we have had and are used too…Leave the ones that have it now have it as it is and Change it for the newer ones coming into the system…let it fade away as we fade away…
I agree 100% with Mr. Toma. All changes need to be grandfathered in. We were promised these things when we enlisted in the service and we gave at least 20 years of our lives to ensure we had this security for our families. We enlisted in the service being paid very little. These benefits were all we had for our families. We don’t have a large retirement and can not afford all the additional cost these programs will bring.
Fee for service and ANNUAL enrollment fees?
Cost share goes up too.
How this saves the GOVT money is obvious, how it hoses the Military and retirees is also obvious.
I too, was promised free medical and dental for life.
Since retirement, ZERO DENTAL and 20% for medical.
Now they desire to charge us more…..BS.
US Military American Veteran 27 years 1978-2005
US DoD 3 years 2008-2010
We signed a contract when we joined the Air Force that said we have FREE medical for the rest of our lives if we do 20 years and retire. We need to sue the government for breech of contract. What ever is convenient for them SURE.
I whole heartedly agree!!
I was never asked and I never received any information regarding a town meeting (despite the fact that we regularly get our SemperFi retirement newsletter). When the Healthcare Act was passed, retired were promised that it would not impact us–that our earned benefit satisfied that requirement, now this article seems to indicate that we will have to pay. The benefits we were promised (in the contract) were earned and a part of our compensation and now they want to take them away!
This is B S. We should not have to pay more and for treatment at a military facility! 9r anywhere else. I am writing my reps in D.C to not support this. My husband gave 24 years and he should not be punished because D.C wants to punish our military and retirees for broken promises and their stupidity. Why should our military and retirees be penalized while government welfare gets a free ride?
I agree with Michelle 100%.. The Government is now trying to “spread the wealth around” among the people that are not wealthy. What do they want? Have everyone on Welfare and food stamps?
This is nothing new and should come as no surprise to anyone. I’m not saying that we’re getting a fair shake either but the US Government has (unsuccessfully) been sued several times. It’s definitely a political issue and the deck is stacked in favor of the government. Stand up and tell your elected representatives what you think of it and cheer on others who do the same.
Can you imagine that if we, private citizens, decided that our mortgage was becoming more and more difficult to make? Could we simply tell the lender that “times are tough” so we’re going to pay less? Ha! We’d certainly wind up in court and lose because we had a commitment. So how can the government do the same thing? I served from 1974 – 1994 and also was promised free health care for life. It quickly changed as they reduced the amount of government staffed medical facilities to offer this AND they put the Tricare program in place… as a cost SHARING means. Even though I (and many others) resent sharing the costs (when I was promised otherwise), it has worked relatively well. Now we’re entering a new era where they want more sharing from the military member. I’m with the previous writer who states any changes should go into effect with new recruits… leave those of us who were promised free health care alone.
Begin writing your letters now to your elected representatives and spread the word. Enough is enough!
The government has been sued successfully. SABO is one case that comes to mind as my husband was part of it.
Well as a spouse of a disable vet who served 24 years in the Air Force, I can say without question that after following my husband around all those years I have nothing to show for it in regards to medical insurance. I really feel that the Government should take care of those spouses who followed that vet around because we should be entitled to free medical also!! I fell like when he retired I retired and should get the same benefits, but if you are not giving him the free medical then I guess that I don’t get it either. We should be taking care of these veterans and their spouses after they retire the EARNED IT!
As promised, out medical care should be at no cost except for when we choose to go outside the military system. The changes being proposed aren’t about taking care of military members, retirees, and their families, it is 100% about shifting more of the cost onto the backs of military members and retirees. The government has a long history of breaking promises, but it is especially ugly when the government pretends it’s doing so based on feedback from the very people they’re screwing.
I am all in for starting a MILITARY MOVEMENT in protesting this atrocity and basic breach of contract.
Us retirees were promised NO-COST medical care for life…we upheld our contractual obligations.
We must hold / tr yand hold our Govt to those some standards WHILE some in (only a few) still have some standards.
Online petition on the WHITE HOUSE website for NO-COST MEDICAL CARE for retirees that are eligible and contractually eligible for it, This is the BARE BONES minimum we must do.
We must each also DEMAND from out elected congress rep and Senators for teh same and not take anything less for an answer.
We should start by the WHITE HOUSE on line petition and then start a Veterans web page somewhere to communicate and organize ONLINE.
The Elected ones KNOW that as individuals we are a nuisance at best….As a group, we can be firetrucking formidable, especially us older and wiser VETS that have succeeded in the Military and know how to communicate…which is about every one of us!!!
Let us take a stand becuase if we do not…noone else will stand up for us.
Regards and al lthe best to each and everyone of you.
US Military AmVet…1978-2005.
If you think it’s so bad lets go back to the champus. That program required retires to go to the closet military installation for treatment . If they couldn’t handle you they would allow you to receive civilian care.
Leave Tricare alone. Do not combine Commissary and Exchanges together. If this the political will then vote them out of office.
Lies and broken promises again….business as usual.
Lies and broken promises again…business as usual.
Who ask for this changes? We already pay enough as it is with the current plan, and are given zero priority as retired members. Out of pocket expenses can go as high as $3,500?! C’mon!!!
Of course the government will save money… taking it out of our pockets!!! What is next?
Here we go again lets break our contract that we had when you were given when you entered the service. We can do that anytime we want, but you can’t change your ,.
These Brilliant people Trying to Make These Decisions Probably Have no Clue to What a Veteran Is and Probably Doesn’t Care Because It Does Not Impact Their Lives Leave Tricare Alone Idiots
No way. Do not change. We were made a lot of promises at entry. My life insurance with VGLI has doubled every 5 years and is getting ready to go to $385.00/month for $80.000.
Now they want to charge more for Tricare. We live 55 miles from Ft Jackson and have asked twice to get my wife changed to local doctors but when recommending a Dr Bell,
Batesburg, he is no longer there. It is a mess.
We kept our side of the bargain, 26 years in the Air Force now the govt needs to keep theirs. Free medical for life, as promised. Leave Tricare alone or grandfather those who kept fulfilled their commitment
What is the point of serving 20+ years in the military, risking life and limb, and spending years apart from your family just to be given a fast food worker’s wages for a pension and the same health care plan everyone else who chose not to fight for our freedom gets. Good luck finding people who are willing to serve after this mistake.
I received one of those surveys a while back. I knew right away the questions were slanted and that they were guaranteed to get the answers they wanted to hear.
I disagree with making these changes. Those of us who were told to stay in and retire, would have benefits upon retirement. Oh well, what can I say…….just glad I’m not a youngster joining up today.
I always thought,”if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, but screw with the military and retirees seems to be the norm. SMH.
I agree with most of the other commentors, leave it alone for veterans and change for new enrollee. An increase is not acceptable., since we were promised free HC and now to to up even more. so sad, shame on
our government.
We were promised Tricare Extra and Tricare for life. My husband paid into this every pay period his entire servitude. When all this crap changed over and we were forced to drop and go with (Sub) Standard, we learned that we have to pay a heck of a lot more than our original $12. per visit. Then we move to Jacksonville, FL for 8months and are forced to use a MHS. Now we have moved again and have been forced to change Dr’s and our fees have gone out the roof! Blood panel 2mo ago my share $250; Eye Dr. $215. Office visit $165. This is just my Dr. The hubby is diabetic so guess who has more visits and more expenses? Even a drive to Fargo can’t help to defray the costs for him. Who in the hell can afford to go to the dang Dr.? Not on retirees pay!
Give Retirees back what was given to us when we retired. Give us back our Tricare Extra and Tricare for Life.
Once again, the proposal is to balance the dollars on the backs of vets. We were all promised free medical for completing a military career. Not sure WHO wanted additional flexibility for increased copays. I certainly was not asked. We’re already 20% when in fact we were promised free health care. Politicians voting records are public information. Let’s see who votes for this and then vote those people out.
USAF (Ret). 1969 – 2010
I don’t believe I should be paying for healthcare I served from 1971 to 1996 and was promised free healthcare. It is bad enough that we are paying for Tricare and now you want to charge us more because you want to save money. You saved money when you paid us so little when we served and yet congress gets their health care for nothing but wants to charge us discussing. We need to vote out the congress men who supports this plan.
They mention TRICARE Choice a system that is developed as the current health benefits of federal employees. Those are the health benefit plans that the federal employees choose when they are hired and can change as they choose during open season. That’s fine that is their plan and choice. The plan that I signed up for was medical and dental for life though TRICARE plans were created and we are no enrolled in them. The plans and my medical care are just fine as is. I do not need any changes and do not need to have increased fees.
The proposed plan they are rolling out appears to be another dictated demand to the congress from the commander in chief my way and my plans is all he will except.
I continue to correspond with our Representatives and Senators to advocate for our benefits that we earned when we committed our service to our country. I wish they would hold the line and not cave do to the thought of not being politically correct. I’m sick of the direction this country that I love and served is headed.
Steve W, USN RET 1978-1998
As a spouse of a retired Navy person, I can understand the need for cost of living increases, The actual veteran does get free medical care through the VA. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for…you pay nothing and get less than better care through the military hospitals. Our government run hospitals and medical centers use contracted physicians and medical personnel so they receive an excellent salary/pay. I pay for my health care and work full-time, and will do so for the next 5 years until I reach 65. Can I personally afford the increases? Probably not. When United Healthcare won the contract for Tricare Prime, did anyone notice that our costs immediately went up? Our co-pays when needing a civilian hospital went up 500%. Our prescription co-pays did the same. The United Healthcare contract was not a benefit for active duty, reservists, and retirees and their families. I completed a survey at the hospital where I visit and stated the same as above. I do not think the CEO’s UH did not care, did not apply our desires and continue to line their own pockets at the expense of those who have given so much already. Promises? There are no promises anymore, just enticements to get one to commit. I agree that the changes should apply to those who join the Military forces as new members, not to the existing service members or retirees and their families.
This is BS I agree with other people the military vet and his spouse should receive free health care. I had to work graveyard shift for over 10 years and now have many physical problems from this. My husband served 24years and had nothing but problems finding work we struggle to make it and it is just not fear how they treat people who volanteered to serve and protect this country and illegal aliens are treated better.
Ok, I agree. Broken contractual promises of healthcare for life, attempts to save money at the expensive of us Veteran’s at every turn, and inadequate health care at civilian, military and V.A. facilities……we can all complain, but lets get together and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! We all share in the frustration, we have all seen our Vietnam Era War Veteran’s die with little to know financial or health compensation, LET’S COME TOGETHER and DO SOMETHING! Let’s Fight Together as we did when we were in service, for OUR RIGHTS and for the PROMISES “They” made and failed to deliver on, and for all the Soldiers now serving, who will serve, and sadly, for those whose lives were lost due to illnesses who were never compensated for their service. WHO”S WITH ME!!!!!
I am and can / will do whatever I can from my overseas home.
Have already contacted my 2 Senators and congressman.
We should start a petition on the WHITE website.
We amass 100K signatures and it requires a white house response.
Its very simple.
Everyone here should write their elected reps both via email and snail mail gets a written signed response, a stamped signature is still a signature from the lawmakers office.
Contact me here if this sounds good and then we need to conatct ALL OUR FELLOW VETS and active duty people we know to login and sign petiton of the website..VERY SIMPLE… full name state email address .
I’m with most of the folks that have already replied. After serving nearly 31 years, I would be very upset to have to pay even more money, for what was promised to me when I joined. With property values decreasing, private home insurance going up year after year, auto insurance rising, TAXES going up like crazy, where is the money going to come from.
Leave the retirees alone. Want to change things start new with all those under 7-10 years in.
Enough is enough!
It is a safe bet that whenever the gov’t make changes to programs it is to save them money and cost us more! As a retiree we were promised health care for life if you stayed in long enough to retire…more broken promises!
I work in a hospital and have seen what this government has done the Medicare system they have broken it into tiny pieces called managed Medicare, the consumer doesn’t manage it, Blue Cross Blue Sheild , United Health care, Humana these are all managed Medicare plans, whenever a patient needs medical equipment, there must first be a authorization! That’s not freedom and not a choice! You pay out of pocket! Tricare is trying to do the same thing Medicare did what a mess, these poor people can’t afford it, My husband served 24 yrs in the Army and can’t breathe because of the burn pits in Iraq and the government wants to take his retire benefits away! And call it a choice? Really? The DOD is spinning this issue to make it sound like its a benefit to the solder and family member when it’s only going to benefit the DOD.. When you privatize health care insurance you lose all control!! Big mistake just ask the millions of older adults who enter rehab for injuries and their first 5 days are free, after the fifth day it will cost 156.00 per day for rehab! That’s managed health care!
I am sick to death of the government taking away the benefits they promised to my husband when he enlisted in the seventies. A contract was signed by both parties and the military has been changing the terms ever since. It was bad enough to come back from Southeast Asia to a hostile nation that did not appreciate our service men and women. Now they add insult to injury by cutting medical benefits at a time retirees really need it.
Has anyone thought about bringing a class action law suit against the DOD about this? Is that even possible? I know that if I changed the terms of a contract, I’d be sued.
Linda C.