Reward cards clutter my key ring. I haven’t met a reward card that I haven’t accepted, registered and asked the clerk to scan each time I purchase an item. If I don’t use a store loyalty card I worry I’ll miss an opportunity to save money.
When I read about the commissary rewards card available at my military commissary, I was surprised to learn that the commissary rewards card isn’t new. How in the world did I miss this commissary rewards card announcement? Is every military spouse forgoing traditional coupons from their Sunday newspaper in favor of digitally clipped ones on their commissary rewards card?
To answer these questions, I turned to my source for trusted knowledge about all things military– my local military spouses Facebook group. I was relieved to read many responses saying that they hadn’t heard of the commissary rewards card either. Many military spouses had questions. Few had the card.
Here are answers to your commissary rewards card questions.
How do I get a commissary rewards card?
Answer: Ask your military commissary cashier. Unlike other stores where the cashier pushes the store loyalty card on you, that won’t happen at the commissary. You need to ask for it by name. In my experience, I felt like I was asking for a secret membership card, when the cashier handed me the card and kindly explained its purpose.
How long does it take to register?
Answer: I set up my account and loaded coupons on it in less than 2 minutes. I also emailed my list of available coupons to myself. I don’t have the commissary rewards card app for my Android yet. But I plan to download it and start using it this month.
Can I combine manufacturer coupons with the digital coupons on the commisary rewards card?
Answer: No. The commissary’s coupon policy states that shoppers can not “double” or “triple” coupons. If you have digital and paper coupons, be sure that you purchase enough items to cover the requirements for ALL coupons. The digital coupons on the commissary rewards card are the priority at the checkout. Once your card is scanned, those coupons are automatically used and can’t be saved for later use in favor of paper coupons. The digital coupons will always override any paper ones.
When are new commissary rewards coupons available?
Answer: New offers will typically be posted every two to three weeks. It’s a good habit to review the available coupons before walking into your commissary. You can also sign up to receive email notifications.
Is the commissary rewards card worth it?
Answer: Of course! We know the military commissary is worth the trip, and who can say no to additional savings available at your fingertips?!
Military spouses across the country sing praises about the rewards card. One military spouse Laura Emerson said “I use it every trip. I think it’s great and easy to use. I can usually upload the coupons I’m using right before I go in to the store.”
And they offer a wide range of various coupons! After registering my commissasry rewards card, I was offered 100 coupons. Quite a few of those coupons are really helpful, one of the which ($1 off 2 boxes of Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain bars) is a great value to my family since my daughters regularly eat Nutri-Grain bars for breakfast.)$1 saved is $1 earned, right?!

What are the benefits of a commissary rewards card?