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Langley AFB, VA

Langley AFB, VA

Honestly, Langley being the ACC HQ and 1st Fighter wing should be the best base in the AF. The Management here is awful, the facilities here are even worse and the area is a terrible place to try and live. Its almost impossible to find customer service or ever a friendly face. Medical appointments are 4 months in advance, ER is slower than Lowes, and the BX and Commissary are ok but cant wait to see otherwise. My wife and I have been here over a year and things were a nightmare from the start. No Sponsor, absolutely no help from the family support center, and back to the management, they all come here to retire so everyone is waiting to get out and seems like they all hate their life and want to take it out on you. Everyone is a Minority around here if they think they are or not. Navy and Army have takin this town over and run it into the ground. No one but on base has any consideration that you are in the Military too because every off base is either in the Army, Navy or Marines. Not to mention the Locals hate all the Military anyways because of the previous! Ask any Airmen they can tell you its what you make it, Langley and their lack of priorities, and the town its in makes it for you... good luck we are off to Lakenheath RAF, UK and happily at that! Thanks for letting me Vent

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