Nearly 20 million honorably discharged U.S. veterans will soon have the opportunity to shop online through the Army and Air Force Exchange service. This change in policy comes after years of pressure to open shopping to all those honorably discharged men and women.
As of Veterans Day, November 11, 2017, all honorably discharged U.S. veterans will be able to shop the exchange online.
This new privilege will only extend to online shopping however, not shopping in the physical exchange. Through the website, veterans will be able to purchase any items except for uniforms, alcohol and tobacco products.
The exchange estimates that this could bring in between $226 million and $1.13 billion in annual sales. An increase in sales also means an increase in funds for MWR programs.
Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) receives the majority of its funding from exchange dividends. The more sales the exchange has, the more programs MWR can offer. MWR programs are in place to support the “readiness and resilience for Soldiers and Families.” Programs include child and youth services, libraries, entertainment, sports and fitness, automotive skills, crafts and more.
Recently, exchange dividends have been low and MWR has not had the funds to support their usual programs. The Army has had to use some of this money to improve its daycare centers since budgets have been cut so much. The low sales have been due to the decline in the active duty force and base closures as well as the ending of tobacco product discounts and smaller profits from cheaper gas being sold. Opening online sales to all honorably discharged veterans is expected to quickly solve this problem.
Veterans will enjoy saving on average 20 percent over commercial stores while those families with base access will be enjoying better MWR programs. It’s a win-win situation for all.
This has been a two-year effort to open online shopping up to honorably discharged veterans. In the fall of 2016 the Defense Department’s Executive Resale Board voted unanimously to open online shopping to veterans and the Deputy Defense Secretary approved it.
AAFES has been preparing for the expansion of shoppers by improving the website, call centers and warehouse and distribution systems. They are working with the Department of Veterans Affairs and Defense Manpower Data Center to determine a way to verify that exchange shoppers are in fact honorably discharged veterans.
Shopping will only be available to veterans online and only for the exchange.
There are currently no plans to open shopping at the commissary up to honorably discharged veterans. This is because the commissary is run differently than AAFES. The Defense Commissary Agency receives a $1.4 billion operational subsidy annually that is funded by taxpayers. An increase in shoppers at the commissary would result in a higher cost for taxpayers in accordance to the current system. DECA therefore, is not considering adding veterans to the list of eligible shoppers.
Honorably discharged veterans however are excited to able to shop at the exchange online, even if they can’t also shop at the commissary. The Army and Air Force Exchange service has received outstanding support for this program and is anticipating a huge turnout of veteran online shoppers on Veterans Day.
You can keep up with announcements as the date for launch of this program approaches and learn how you can establish your identity as an honorably discharged veteran through their website.
I’ve always felt that ANY person who served their country honorably, whether 2 years or 20 years should be allowed to utilize the same benefits as others.
It’s about time!
Sorry but don’t like this at all! I get it…we’re grateful to all those that served however it seems that the special benefits for those of us that actually gave at least twenty years to our country are being more and more watered down. Soon these benefits will be opened up to DOD civilians all in the name of the almighty dollar!
Terrific idea for those of us, retired and veteran, servicemembers who are geographically challenged to shop at military bases…but, certainly, would welcome the opportunity to support MWR facilities in some fashion to benefit those on active duty. Will be looking forward to shopping online next November through the Exchange!
I have not decided if this is a good idea or not. How will it benefit active duty and retired veterans (who are loosing benefits)? Ft Jackson has a pool outside the Officers Club that was renovated a year or so ago. It is now closed. I want it reopened so I can take my grandchildren there to play and swim. What is open now is an indoor pool that is only used for swimming, not playing. My grandchildren do not like the water park because there are too many people there and they don’t like not being able to swim and play. So will the extra monies made at the PX/BX help operate this pool? How long before a profit is made and we can see a change?
I’m a retired 1sg and feel it is about time to let Veterans shop on line. Not only will it help the PX but will help Veterans. This will also, or should make a larger variety of items available.
How do I get a ID card, all I have are honorable discharge papers.
I’m retired USAF. I have 2 nephews, both veterans of Desert Storm or Afghanistan. I sent them the original news article and both were receptive. Good idea.
It’s a disgrace . There goes the Privileges of the old military that served without getting adequate compensation
YES…I feel this is a great benefit for ALL VETS ! I will shop & compare to retail b4 I buy.
Commissary ….YES…it should also be opened up as well to ALL VETS as they { Deca }are loosing sales for many years. ..they decline…decline.
Deca is going to a New system that allows them to have variable pricing at the shelf….which in essence allows them to make a profit indirectly…….thus taking pressure off of the tax payer for operating costs. Deca customer base is declining …thus sales decline. They feel going to their own private brands will remedy this. IT WILL NOT…. as their customers will continue to buy the National Brands…& Or the brands they are use to buying in the commissary currently. Patrons will shop outside the gate IF they can’t find their product in Deca.
……. MAKES NO SENSE………….!!! GRASPING AT STRAWS… They need bodies In their stores that BUY….
Not sure I will be shopping ON Veterans Day but I will be looking into the possibility for sure.
This change seems sensible…not sure of any drawbacks.
We served our country! ALL!!